A comprehensive plan is a document designed to guide the future actions of a city. Through extensive community input, the plan seeks to guide the city with community oriented future goals and actions that will enhance the quality of life for its residents.
The Comprehensive Plan of the City of La Porte will follow a framework of recommendations that are unique to the character and desires of La Porte and its residents.
Some anticipated topics to the Comprehensive Plan are listed below:
- Land Use Element: The land use planning framework will include a pattern and character of growth; location and intensity of various development types; protection and preservation of natural resources and historic features; and needed amendments to public policy. Housing supply and demand analysis will be used to anticipate growth.
- Transportation Element: The transportation framework will have a roadway component, pedestrian and bicycle component, transit component, and freight component.
- Economic Development Element: The economic development framework will provide the foundation for property and sales tax base by increasing the number of jobs and income generated. The plan will be developed within the context of the current local and national economic situation to tailor a strategy that best fits each focus area.
- Housing Element: The housing element framework will combine the overall vision, goals, and objectives of the preceding tasks with the opportunities and issues identified during outreach and engagement efforts. A set of development project priorities will be developed that are in harmony with the overall goals of the comprehensive plan but focused and tailored to address anticipated housing needs.
- Quality of Life Element: The quality-of-life element will focus on creating a sense of place by identifying goals and objectives that align with the land use framework and additional public needs and desires. A Mobility & Connectivity plan that incorporates existing and planned bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure will be created alongside other quality of life elements, such as new facilities, extending existing facilities, and reallocating existing right-of-way to meet community mobility goals.
- Infrastructure & Utilities Element: The infrastructure & utilities framework will gather water system, wastewater system, and storm water system data in order to determine the existing capacity of these systems. Future potential water and wastewater flows will be calculated in order to anticipate and prepare for growth.
- Annexation Element: The annexation element will identify potential areas for future annexation. These areas will be analyzed and evaluated based on level of public service, financial impact, elimination of unincorporated islands, logical boundaries, and affordability. Furthermore, a strategy for annexation will be determined.
There are many ways to get involved in the development of the La Porte comprehensive plan. Visit our Get Involved page for opportunities to engage in public meetings or other community engagement events. Also, feel free to Contact Us with any feedback.
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Rundell Ernstberger Associates are the lead consultants. Based in Indianapolis, REA has over 40 years of experience with a diverse portfolio of projects ranging from land use plans, regional economic plans to zoning to public space, park, and streetscape designs. REA will lead the project, serve as the project manager, lead planning and design concepts, public outreach, mapping, and data collection, day to day communication and overall direction of the project.
Learn more about REA at their official website here.
Lochmueller Group will lead the transportation and infrastructure elements and support land use planning and community engagement efforts. Lochmueller Group is committed to improving the quality of life for both communities and clients through thoughtful, actionable planning and engineering services. Over 40-years, Lochmueller Group has expanded to encompass a wide range of services in road, traffic, structural, environmental, and water resource design.
Learn more about Lochmueller Group at their official website here.
Submit the form for general questions or comments here.
If you have additional concerns, contact the project team at planning@reasite.com