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A Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is a collective set of regulations to guide development and growth in the City of Elkhart.

A UDO combines zoning, land use, and preservation regulations to create a single comprehensive ordinance.

The UDO update process began in 2022 and is divided into six (6) phases that are summarized below:

Phase 1 (Fall/Winter 2022)

UDO Process Goals

Phase 2 (January - September 2023)

Drafting of Subdivision Ordinance & Other Language + Broad Outreach & Education

Phase 3 (June - August 2023)

Targeted Outreach & Public Input

Phase 4 (August 2023 - October 2024)

Drafting of Remaining UDO

Phase 5 (August 2023 - October 2024)

Public Input on Zoning Ordinance Updates

Phase 6 (Winter 2024)

Formal Adoption Process

There will be some minor updating of regulations but the goal is to create clearer connections between the UDO and the Comprehensive Plan, Elkhart 2040 Plan, subarea plans, and the future land use map. The UDO will be reorganized, and some districts will be consolidated. and processes will be streamlined where possible. So that ultimately, development will be more straight-forward for people wanting to develop property in the City, and the UDO is supporting economic development in the city while still protecting the character of neighborhoods and the natural resources of the community.