The City of Greenfield had a public meeting for a community workshop on April 1, 2024 from 5:30-7:30pm at the Handcock County Public Library. Around 60 people attended this meeting. At this meeting, the consultant team gave a presentation on Greenfield's existing conditions and trends and previous outreach and feedback.

The community then participated in three interactive exercises. Participants were in groups of up to 6 people and were given posters to add sticky notes with their ideas. We then asked each group to select which ideas they thought were priorities. You will do a similar exercise here! See the tabs for Greenfield will be..., Opportunities, and Barriers. You may write as many comments as you like and can upvote or downvote others' comments.

The final exercise was identifying areas for new development or redevelopment. Participants were provided a map of Greenfield with current land uses and colored markers representing proposed use types. Use options were residential, commercial, mixed-use, institutional, open space/parks, and industrial. We asked the groups to color on the map locations for these uses. You can add your own ideas for new uses on the Future Development Map Tab. Use the "add marker" button to identify a use and a proposed location.

We concluded the meeting with how to stay engaged throughout the project. You may join our mailing list using the button below. Go to our homepage for links to documents, maps, and surveys.

Activity 1: Envision the Future

Greenfield will be...

Write a word or statement that finishes the sentences "Greenfield will be..." or "Greenfield will have..." You may COMMENT MORE THAN ONCE Think about existing conditions (see presentation), opportunities for growth and development, and threats or barriers to the neighborhood. Examples: Greenfield will be connected. Greenfield will have many small businesses.
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Activity 2A: Brainstorm Opportunities


Where are there potential opportunities for growth or redevelopment? You may COMMENT MORE THAN ONCE. Think about vacant lots or buildings, open green space, surrounding amenities... Examples: "We need more..."
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Activity 2B: Brainstorm Barriers


Is there anything or a location in the city that holds back growth or redevelopment? Are there any serious issues the City needs to examine? You can COMMENT MORE THAN ONCE. Think about traffic patterns and road design, geographical barriers, incompatible land uses... Example: "Not enough..."
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Activity 3: Envision Future Development