Vision Statement

The vision statement outlines Nashville's long-term aspirations, envisioning the town in the year 2045. While some elements may already be true today, the statement highlights what should be preserved and carried forward, as well as what the community strives to achieve over the next 20 years.


For this exercise, please review the draft vision statement and consider whether it reflects what’s important to you. For each section, indicate if you agree as written, agree with wording changes, or disagree. If you agree with wording changes or disagree, please explain why.

Guiding Principles

The guiding planning principles provide a framework for decision-making, ensuring that future actions align with the community’s long-term vision.


For this exercise, please review the guiding principles and consider whether they effectively reflect Nashville’s priorities for future growth and development. For each principle, indicate if you agree as written, agree with wording changes, or disagree. If you agree with wording changes or disagree, please explain why.


The Comprehensive Plan's goals define the main objectives the Town of Nashville aims to achieve over the next 20 years. The recommendations outline the specific actions needed to reach those goals.


Review each goal and its accompanying recommendations. Consider whether they align with the vision statement and planning principles. Share any suggestions for changes or additions. If you disagree with a goal or recommendation, please provide a detailed explanation.

Town Connectivity & Transportation

Goal: Nashville maintains a comprehensive network of streets, sidewalks, and trails that are safe and accessible.


  1. The transportation network is safe and accessible for all transportation modes.
  2. Sidewalks and trails connect important destinations throughout the town. All schools have a sidewalk or trail connection.
  3. Retail areas have wide sidewalks with space for pedestrian movement and outdoor displays.
  4. Streets and intersections are safe and well-maintained for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Intersections have clear visibility and marked crosswalks.
  5. Parking areas are clearly identified and connected to pedestrian infrastructure. Parking is paved with a hard surface material or permeable paver/surface.


Goal: Nashville has a variety of housing for a diverse and growing population. Nashville’s housing has ownership and rental opportunities for a range of incomes and household sizes.


  1. Support increasing the supply of housing including multi-unit apartment buildings.
  2. Allow building conversions and mixed-use buildings.
  3. Support increasing the supply of affordable or attainable housing. Educate the community on the benefits.
  4. Support owner-occupied housing and long-term rentals by enforcing the short-term rental policies.

Utility Infrastructure & Public Services

Goal: Nashville optimizes infrastructure investments through compact development. Nashville plans for needed infrastructure improvements. Nashville’s public services are a valued community resource.


  1. Development is directed to areas with existing connections to utilities infrastructure.
  2. Transportation infrastructure is well-maintained.
  3. Utilities are respectful of natural resources, avoid tree trimming, and limit grade changes.
  4. Public and emergency services have appropriate resources for levels of service.

Nature & Outdoor Activities

Goal: Nashville’s scenic environment was the inspiration for the Brown County Art Colony. The town values nature preservation, beautiful landscapes, and outdoor activities that enhance quality of life.


  1. Identify important natural features for protection and apply development restrictions.
  2. Utilize undevelopable areas and environmental protection areas for outdoor recreation, trails, and public health.
  3. Develop landscape preservation guidelines for the tree canopy, hills, ridges, forests, and creeks that encourage integrated design.
  4. Create a policy for reduced development standards in favor of preserving or increasing landscaping—examples include setback variances, parking reductions, or density bonuses.
  5. Celebrate community pride and beautification through landscaping.
  6. Collaborate with Brown County State Park for natural preservation and recreation opportunities.

Economic Development

Goal: Nashville has a strong economy that enhances quality of life for its residents and attracts visitors to the local businesses.


  1. Collaborate with the Convention and Visitors Bureau to utilize tourism tax revenues on investments that both improve the visitor experience and improve quality of life for residents.
  2. Explore opportunities to establish long-term partnerships with institutions in neighboring communities to enhance education, tourism, the arts, and more.
  3. Support local artists and artisans as part of the local economy and tourism ecosystem.
  4. Collaborate with the Convention and Visitors Bureau to improve coordination with local businesses and create opportunities for longer, consistent operating hours.
  5. Support a resilient local economy by attracting a range of employment opportunities for residents.

Land Use & Development

Goal: Nashville allows a variety of uses at appropriate scales. Buildings and outdoor spaces are creative and attractive. Development standards support community character and walkability.


  1. Establish development standards that contribute to the established town character.
  2. Provide opportunities for larger developments and increased building heights at appropriate locations.
  3. Develop an outdoor merchandising and display permit with objective standards—prioritize sidewalk accessibility.
  4. Preserve and integrate natural features into planning and development.
  5. Encourage outdoor activity space in site design.
  6. Require off-street parking lots to be located to the side or rear of buildings wherever possible.
  7. Encourage the use of traditional building materials such as Brown County Stone.

Arts & History

Goal: Nashville was part of the Brown County Art Colony established around the turn of the 20th Century. Nashville continues its art legacy by supporting artists and artisans and engaging with the community through public art, events, festivals, and entertainment.


  1. Promote public art as a tool to preserve Nashville’s history and sense of community.
  2. Identify historic preservation sites and establish preservation guidelines.
  3. Create opportunities for multi-generational community engagement through art, artisan crafts, and performing arts.
  4. Continue being an art destination for artists across the Midwest.
  5. Support culinary arts, specialty foods, restaurants, and hospitality that contribute to and support local arts.

Future Land Use Map

Land use determines how and where development can occur within a town. The Future Land Use Map serves as a long-term guide for growth and development, shaping where homes, businesses, parks, and other uses should be located. While it does not change zoning or regulate individual properties, it provides a framework for future land use decisions, helping Nashville plan for sustainable and thoughtful development.


For this exercise, please review the proposed future land use map and provide your feedback. You can suggest adjustments to land use boundaries, propose changes to designated land uses, or leave general comments.

How to Participate:

  1. Explore the Map: Navigate the interactive map to view different areas of Nashville.
  2. View the Layers tab: Click the Layers tab (stacked squares icon) to see the proposed land uses and legend. You can toggle each layer on or off to explore different areas.
  3. Leave a Comment: Click on a location to provide feedback—suggest boundary changes, recommend a different land use, or share general thoughts.
  4. Submit Your Input: Once you’ve added your comments, review them and submit your feedback.

For instructions on adding comments to the map, click the circle icon with a question mark. To view comment categories, please press the circle icon with an "i."

Your input will help refine the future land use plan to better align with the community’s needs and vision. Thank you for participating!

Land Use Examples

Is This Nashville?